Cruz turned 5 months old on Sunday and I really can't believe how fast time is going. He is rolling over from back to front and front to back, jumping like crazy in his jumperoo, standing and sitting up with very little support and more fun than ever (he finally got over that 3 week fussy time and is back to normal!). He absolutely loves reading books. His favorite is a touch and feel book about animal tails and I read it to him before every nap and at bedtime. I try to read other ones but he gets upset until I open up Tails:). We started solids a few weeks ago and he's doing pretty well with it. I have given him 1 meal/day of rice cereal mixed with breastmilk and he loves it. We've been trying to work in some bananas as well but it seems to give him a belly ache, so we're sticking to the rice for a little while longer. He is also slowly learning how to drink water from a sippy cup, which looks like it might be a work in progress for a while (see picture below:).
Before I was a mom, I could have never imagined the joy I would feel when my baby does something new. My favorite part by far is the part when he realizes he did something cool and he gets overexcited and super proud of himself. I am so easily pleased and entertained these days. It's great!