Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dear Cruz,

These last few weeks have been some of the roughest for both of us. We've both been sick, you cut 2 more teeth with a 3rd close behind, and you're also going through a very intense "clingy" stage. You don't really take your usual 2 hour naps, but instead wake up after 30 minutes and wait a few minutes before screaming and won't stop until I come get you. You cry (and I mean CRY) anytime I'm not on the ground playing with you and even then sometimes aren't happy. This is not your normal temperament but it's so hard to stay encouraged since it's been over 3 weeks since this started. So, there's my few lines of venting before I get to the good news:).

It's our human nature to try and do things on our own, figure things out on our own, seek answers, sometimes asking for help but not really opening our hearts to hear God's answers. When we gave our lives to Christ, we gave him our hearts, our minds, our souls, our spirits, our human nature was removed, and we were given NEW LIFE. With all that comes our thought-life, how you look at people, situations, and circumstances. When we look at these alone, without Christ, our cynicism and negativity can be a central theme and pretty much overtake everything leaving us fearful, worried, and anxious.

Gamy said something to me so powerful the other day, "You either sing God's praises or the enemy's praises. The enemy's praises are things like fear, worry, anxiety, negativity. As soon as any of those enter your mind you're opening the door for the enemy's lies." This struck me so deeply because it's true. It IS that black and white. The moment you give way to negative thoughts, fear, worry, etc, you ARE singing the praises of the enemy leaving yourself vulnerable and exposed. We are called to "take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ". This is not in the Bible as just some verse, this is something that we, as Christians, are supposed to practice, making it a part of our every day, our every minute, our every second.

These last few weeks haven't been "easy" and I haven't made them any better by being negative and basically throwing a pity party for myself. I haven't been disciplined with my thought-life and definitely haven't been leaning, as I should, on the Lord's truth and word. But, I know, the Lord works in wonderful ways and Gamy's words and a Graham Cooke sermon shot through my heart leaving it forever changed. I never want to sing the enemy's praises and now every time I think anything negative that thought pops into my head. Amazing how the Lord works and can completely transform in a matter of seconds!

Cruz, my prayer for you is that you would practice taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ, recognizing that our thoughts are a gateway to both God and the enemy. I pray that you would be wise beyond your years, putting this into practice early, with the outcome being a confident and very positive boy who loves the Lord. I pray you would be known for your positivity, a "glass half full" kind of guy, who encourages others to look at life in a positive light. I pray you would, through this gift of positivity, touch other people's lives and forever change them as just your presence has forever changed me. Cruz, I am amazed at how much the Lord uses you in my life to teach me some of his greatest lessons. I am forever thankful and eternally changed by your life. I love you, Bubba.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Prayer with Purpose

A mama I really look up to, Jenica McMaster, just released her 1st set of prayer journals. One is Passionate Prayers for Children and the other is Passionate Prayers for the Unborn Child. I got mine about a week ago and have been completely overwhelmed by how powerful the prayer has been for Cruz. Every morning, I sit down, look up the scripture she has at the top of every page and just bless that boy with the Lord's word and his TRUTH over his life. I have always prayed for Cruz but having specific verses and topics to pray about has been very powerful for me. All you mamas and mamas to be out there, please do yourself and your child a favor and get these journals! They come from a mom with an incredible heart for the Lord and you and your family WILL be blessed by it!

Purchase them HERE

She also has a great mama blog:

Monday, May 9, 2011

9 months!!

22lb 12oz & 30.5inches
He did great today at his 9 month check up. He is in the 91st percentile for weight and 99th percentile for height and head circumference. The big boy didn't even cry when he got his shots

The past few weeks have been anything but easy. With sickness, a "clingy" phase, lots and lots of crying, short naps, and early morning waking, it made for a rough few weeks but we're hanging in there!

Cruz is getting very fast at this whole crawling thing and is pulling himself up to stand every chance he gets. He is clapping, waving, signs "all done" by putting his hands in the air, and is giving the sweetest {and wettest} kisses. He absolutely loves being in the cart at the grocery store. I think he thinks he's a really big boy since he is on his own in there. He waves to everyone who walks by and shows him his cool "yay, big boy" trick by clapping his hands and then putting them in the air. He is loving childcare at my gym and that has been a great blessing for both of us. He loves watching the bigger kids play and truly loves the women in there. I can't tell you how amazing it has been for me to even have 30-45 minutes to myself to workout! Cruz has definitely had some rough days lately but overall he is still the joyful baby he has always been. Most of our time at home is spent in his play room {our dining room} and he just crawls around, chats, and plays with different toys, chucking most of them across the room when he's done. When I need to cook or clean, I put him in his walker and turn on Yo Gabba Gabba, and he is officially obsessed! All I have to say is "Yo Gabba Gabba" and he starts clapping his hands and smiling and looks towards the tv. I am not a huge fan of plopping him in front of the tv but, as most moms know, when you have to get stuff done do whatever works!

We are counting down the days until our SD trip, which will be filled with the nuptials of our great friends {the Kurn wedding}, some family time, some beach time, and a lot of friend time. We can't wait for everyone to see how much Cruz has grown and are really excited to re-introduce him to his future wife, Evy Riechers :).

Here are some pictures of Cruzer at 9 months: