We had such a fun trip filled with lots of quality time with family and friends. We came in for our good friends' wedding {the Kurns!} and then spent the rest of the week just enjoying being home. Since we don't have family or a group of friends in Atlanta, it was great to be able to spend so much time in relationship with the people we missed so much. Every day was packed to the brim with visitors, lunches, dinners, etc and I wouldn't have it any other way. We spent a lot of time out by Gamy and Jefe's pool when it was sunny out. Cruz loved splashing in his little tube and didn't mind being dunked a few times. We ate a ton, didn't work out at all, and actually got to go out at night which was so much fun! The one negative about visiting home is it's hard to fit everyone in, especially with a kid whose nap and bed times are very important {!}, so I'm sorry if we didn't see you!
Monday, June 13, 2011
10 Months!
We spent Cruz's 10 month birthday at HOME {can you tell I miss it already?} in San Diego. He did really great the entire trip. He slept well, played really hard, had a great time seeing everyone, and loved being the center of attention. He turned into quite the ham, especially around people he was familiar with. He likes to copy laughter and even the dinging noise in the airplane with a high pitched squeal. He waves at everyone and everything (even plants and trees:) and loves to show off his teeth with a scrunch nose smile. He will literally eat anything I give him and would eat all day long if I let him. For instance, he had just eaten lunch and we went out to eat with my family and he had an entirely different meal at the restaurant because he couldn't stand watching everyone else eat. The kid loves food! During nursing, I taught him, "nose", "mouth", and "eyes". When I ask him where my nose {mouth, eyes} is he points to it. He also likes pointing to his stuffed animal's nose, mouth, and eyes. Super cute. Gamy and Jefe had a bunch of toys for him at their house but the biggest hit was, of course, a 99 cent blue ball. He loves to throw the ball and go chase it. He would do this for about 20 minutes back and forth by himself. He also loves playing "throw and roll". He throws it and we roll it back. He is standing up on everything, scaling the walls, furniture, and loves walking his push toy. If I had to guess, I'd say he'll be walking in the next month or month and a half, but you really never know--he could be perfectly happy doing what he's doing for a while longer:).
Here are some pictures of him at 10 months:
Magpie Lovely

{vintage wooden blocks}

{growth chart}

they also had some cute {but pricey} tanks and shirts, found here
Why I Love Baby Wise # 2: Easy {as easy as it can get} Traveling
I was completely amazed at how well Cruz did with a 3 hour time change. Literally it didn't take him even a day to acclimate. I asked my mama friend, Jenica, who is also a baby-wiser, how I should deal with the time change. She just told me once I get there to try and put him down for a nap at the same time as I would put him down here, 1pm, and then keep the same bedtime, 7pm. Since we left early in the morning east coast time we got in SD about 10:30am. He took about a 1hr15min nap on the plane and then I put him down for his 2nd nap at 1. He slept for about 2 hours, I put him down at 7 for bed and he slept 12.5 hours, was right on schedule the next day, and continued the rest of the trip!
I know Babywise doesn't work for some people but I am someone who loves having a schedule and loves having a plan. We knew what times we could plan lunches, dinners, when we could have visitors, go to the park, have playdates, etc. Because he gets sufficient rest he isn't fussy when we're out doing things. He is usually extremely happy and full of energy, which I love! I was so pleasantly surprised that traveling with a time change doesn't have to mean sleepless nights or very early mornings! When we traveled back east on Sunday, I followed the same rules and he was right on schedule Sunday night. I am officially, as if I wasn't before, obsessed with Babywise! Thanks to all the babywise moms out there for showing me the way and constantly encouraging me!

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