18 months, 30 lbs, 35 inches
The last 3 months have been fun but absolutely exhausting. As soon as he turned 16 months old, he decided to become pretty independent {and I mean independent in the sassy sense of the word}, very talkative, and extremely demanding 24/7. He goes and goes and goes all day long, crashes hard for 3 hours around 1pm, then goes and goes until bedtime at 7. Just within the last few weeks he has taught himself how to sit still with one toy for about 5 minutes, MAX. After that 5 minutes, he's on to the next. I try and have something planned for him every single day to keep him stimulated. We typically go to the park, have a playdate, go to story time at the library, or go to gymnastics every day. The kid needs as much activity as possible and I actually love that about him:). He is very physical and freakishly strong for his age which keeps me on my toes constantly. I have to watch him so closely wherever we go because he will literally take kids down to the ground in great tackling form {full wrap up and everything}- the cute thing about it is he is trying to give them a hug but is just a little too aggressive sometimes:). I am having so much fun being the mom of a very energetic, loving, smart, and independent boy.
Some of his favorite things:
-Blueberries "by by bys"
-"SNACKS" - he yells it but typically says "peez" after so it makes up for it
-Sand/sand toys
-Mickey "Minnie"
-Airplanes & Helicopters
-All animals
-Trash truck "Tra Truck"
-Reading books
-"O's & Shows" -he eats O's while watching a show- this is what he calls it:)
-The beach
-Bath "bithe"
-Anything he can push
-Apples "apum"
-Playing fetch with Zeke
-Elmo & Super Why
Here are some pictures from the last 3 months, dating all the way back to before Christmas:)

Cruz & the guys @ Christmas Dinner @ the Riechers
Cruz and his best buds, Barron & Evy
Gingerbread Houses!

Christmas Morning