My big boy is 11 months old! I can hardly believe how fast time is going {yes, I know I say this every month:)}. Although this month was tough {refusing naps, LOTS of crying/whining, and very clingy}, he has developed so much in such a short time. He is a HAM to the max. It's funny because around Chase and I, he isn't overly outgoing, but as soon as he gets an audience he is all about being the center of attention. He points at EVERYONE he sees, waves non-stop, loves when people laugh at him because it makes him laugh, he thinks he's hilarious {so much for being humble:)}, and is literally obsessed with "ba" {balls}. I count this as his first word since "da-da" and "ma-ma" are a given. I'm not exaggerating when I say he's obsessed. You give him a baby-safe room and a ball and he'll stay in there for hours completely entertained. He can now make cow, lion, dog, and gator noises when we ask him. He loves looking up at lights, looking outside at the "green trees" and the "blue sky", and looking at any kind of pictures on a wall. He said "bye bye da da" for the first time 2 weeks ago when Chase left for work in the morning. He loves taking drinks from big boy cups and water bottles, only with our help of course. He isn't walking yet and hardly stands on his own unless he has a ball in his hand {no joke}. I'm counting my blessings because this kid is going to start RUNNING not walking. I honestly haven't met a baby more busy than this kid. He never, and I mean never, stops. A 12 hour travel day will put that right into perspective:). I can't wait to celebrate this boy's 1st birthday next month! Can't believe it! Here are some pictures of the little booger:

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