28lb 6oz (95%), 32.5in (98%)
12 teeth (+ 4-he's cutting 4 incisors right now-ouch!)
Since Cruz started walking at 1, the changes have been constant. Physically, he is an ANIMAL! I'm sure every mom thinks it, but this is one of the most active kids I have ever been around-hands down. When he is awake he goes 110% and then when he gets tired he crashes hard and fast, typically with at least 3 pacis in hand and snuggled up to his favorite stuffed giraffe. The thing I'm most amazed with is how verbal he has become. He was always a little chatter box, but, as most moms will tell you, the comprehension and verbal skills grow SO fast after the babes turn 1. He understands everything we say and will try to repeat any word you ask him to (for example, groceries, ends up like "ro-shees"... and he even says his name, "cooz"). I have written down most of the words he says with comprehension and the list is up to 33. SO fun to finally be able to communicate with my boy!
The thing I am loving most about Cruz (besides everything:) is how comfortable and outgoing he is with everyone. He is not shy at all, which I really admire about him. It can't be easy to see new people and have no reservations about saying "hi" and giving a smile. I've noticed this more at family or friend get-togethers, where Cruz just trots around from one person to the next, occasionally asking to sit on someone's lap. He is totally out of the mama's boy stage and, surprisingly, I love it. Unless he's hurt and needs comfort or tired and wants to snuggle, he is totally independent and absorbing everything around him like a sponge.
The last 3 months we have worked hard to keep this kid busy during the day. Between trips to the park, play-dates, gymboree, the beach, and running around wild in the backyard, he seems to be pretty happy and exhausted when the day is over:). Babywise continues to prove its worth even as Cruz gets older and it's not just the great sleeping anymore. When your baby gets the sleep they need they are "optimally alert" when they're awake, meaning they are in the best state of mind for learning and development. I truly believe that his great sleeping habits totally play into his advanced vocabulary and good overall health. You know I could talk about Babywise/Healthy Sleep Habits for DAYS so I'll stop that and the brag-fest 2011 now before it goes too far:).
Some of his favorite things:
-food (any and all)
-milk ("mee")
-mickey mouse clubhouse
-zeke ("zeee")
-the park ("pot")
-shoes ("achoo")
-cars/trucks (especially the "tra tra" trash truck)
-balls ("ba")
-books ("boo")
-sesame (especially elmo)
-the beach
-his basketball hoop
-outside ("outschide")
-sand toys
-he LOVES to dance (especially the mouskedance on mickey mouse clubhouse)
It is such an honor and joy to be this kid's mama and I am so thankful I get to stay at home to watch him grow!
Here are some pictures from the last few months: