We have moved home to San Diego and couldn't be happier (minus leaving our wonderful friends in Atlanta:( ). We are staying with Chase's parents for the time being until we figure our life out a little bit. This is our 7th move in 3 1/2 years of marriage, one of those including across the GLOBE to Hong Kong, and another across the country to Georgia. Needless to say, we don't really want to do much more of that so we want to bunk up with our fam until we find a place to land for good!
Mike and Sharon completely baby-proofed the place, moved furniture around, bought toys, diapers, wipes, etc to get this place ready for us. They worked so hard to make it perfect for us and we are absolutely loving it. Sharon's cooking is to die for (and frankly, I don't know if Cruz will ever eat my food after our stay-cation with them) and we've figured out a system of cleaning, baby-sitting, running errands, etc that works for all of us. I get to workout everyday and take my little man to all of my favorite beaches, parks, and restaurants-LOVING it!
We feel so blessed to be close to all the people we love (my family is only 1.5 hr away-so nice!) and we're really excited to see what the Lord has next. Things aren't exactly 'ideal' right now, but the one thing I know is that the Lord's plan is the best plan and that's the only plan we want for our lives:).
Prayer Requests: Exciting job opportunity for Chase. Health for all of us. Continual guidance and encouragement in marriage and parenting (especially as the season of tantrums start). Easy labor and delivery for my sis, Angela (due 11/11/11). God to open up doors to really create a strong spiritual community among our good friends here (you know who you are:). Thanks!
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