I can't believe the next time I'll be posting about Cruz he will be 2! Like I say every time I write, time is absolutely flying by. Cruz has changed a lot in the last 3 months. He is talking instead of whining, he understands everything we say and most of the time he chooses to listen, and he's actually playing by himself for up to 20 minutes at a time. We have introduced spankings and time-outs (horrible for the both of us), drinking out of a "big-boy" cup, and brushing his own teeth. He absolutely loves that last one. He gets up on his stool and walks me through all the steps of brushing his teeth (I think we might have a micro-manager on our hands. He counts to 15 (never when I ask him, of course), knows some of his letters, and loves to color and read. He is absolutely obsessed with any and all animals and much to my dismay he has ZERO fear of them no matter the size or the domestication of the animal. He chased goats at the petting zoo and then got in their face to give kisses. Last week, he tried to put his entire hand into a horses mouth while feeding her a treat. At the wild animal park he was literally in the middle of a flock of ducks and geese and could not have been happier about it (see pic below). I love that he is an animal lover but a little healthy fear would put his mama at ease.
In the last 3 months we have done a lot. We went to the Wild Animal Park, the Zoo, and Legoland for the first time. We went to Palm Dessert with a great group of friends, Nashville for a wedding, and up to Orange County to visit my family. We had a great Easter reading his new Bible, coloring eggs, and had a blast at the Easter party Mike and Sharon's neighborhood puts on every year (petting zoo, snowcones/other treats, great food, arts and crafts, a bounce house, pony rides, balloons, clowns, an egg hunt and a live Easter bunny). We have something planned pretty much every day to keep this extremely busy boy happy. Here are some of his favorite things right now:
-"Choo Choo Train" (this is typically yelled at the top of his lungs when he hears one)
-"Trash Trucks" (or any kind of truck for that matter)
-"More Trucks Please" (when we're driving and he doesn't see a truck for a few seconds he repeats this over... and over.... and over)
-"Motcycle" aka Motorcycle
-Bananas (any fruit for that matter)
-The Beach
-"Light Queen" aka Lightning McQueen
-Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (we've got to take this kid to Disneyland this summer!)
Here are a few pictures over the last few months:
{wild animal park}
{the babies in palm desert}
{caught his first fish in the desert}
{first snow cone at the Bridges Easter Party}
{Easter Party}
{coloring eggs}
{feeding the coy fish at Dee Dee's}
{lunch date at the beach house}
{first car wash}
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