Cruz has played with the same toys for a while now and his interest in new things is just starting to surface. Here are some things he's loving right now and some things I'm loving right now for him:
Balls- ANY and EVERY kind!
Chubbies- Weird name, I realize, but Cruz LOVES these. You can get a bucket of 15 or 30 (or more, I think) and they are completely indestructible and dishwasher safe! There are cars, trucks, planes, helicopters, tractors, etc.

Push Toy- Since Cruz still isn't walking, these make really good practice for him. He is getting more and more confident each day and I really think having this toy is helping with that.

Blocks- Instead of just destroying things all the time, Cruz is finally starting to "put things together". Well, it's not like he can build a castle with blocks, but he's starting to organize more and likes to put things where they go. This bag of blocks I found at target and they're finally being used for something other than just testing out his arm strength.

Leapfrog Talking Tad- We have had this toy for quite a while but he's finally starting to show interest in it. He now pushes the hands and feet and waits for the songs to come on. He LOVES the song, "if you're happy and you know it...".

Self-feed Pouches- Cruz has begun refusing the spoon, so when I'm in a hurry I need a quick go-to meal for the little guy since it takes a while for him to feed himself an entire meal. These are AMAZING! They come in a variety of fruit and vegetables and there are a few different brands with the same concept. Cruz can hold it and feed it to himself which makes him feel really cool:).

Pre-Toddler Wise- I am definitely one who likes to plan and be prepared. So, I have been reading up on what the coming months are going to bring {12-18 months to be exact}. I have lived off of Babywise and Babywise II for the last 11 months, so I figured I might as well keep the ball rolling. I love the principles behind Baby Wise and know that I will continue to love the principles they teach in all of their other -Wise books.
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