Monday, May 9, 2011

9 months!!

22lb 12oz & 30.5inches
He did great today at his 9 month check up. He is in the 91st percentile for weight and 99th percentile for height and head circumference. The big boy didn't even cry when he got his shots

The past few weeks have been anything but easy. With sickness, a "clingy" phase, lots and lots of crying, short naps, and early morning waking, it made for a rough few weeks but we're hanging in there!

Cruz is getting very fast at this whole crawling thing and is pulling himself up to stand every chance he gets. He is clapping, waving, signs "all done" by putting his hands in the air, and is giving the sweetest {and wettest} kisses. He absolutely loves being in the cart at the grocery store. I think he thinks he's a really big boy since he is on his own in there. He waves to everyone who walks by and shows him his cool "yay, big boy" trick by clapping his hands and then putting them in the air. He is loving childcare at my gym and that has been a great blessing for both of us. He loves watching the bigger kids play and truly loves the women in there. I can't tell you how amazing it has been for me to even have 30-45 minutes to myself to workout! Cruz has definitely had some rough days lately but overall he is still the joyful baby he has always been. Most of our time at home is spent in his play room {our dining room} and he just crawls around, chats, and plays with different toys, chucking most of them across the room when he's done. When I need to cook or clean, I put him in his walker and turn on Yo Gabba Gabba, and he is officially obsessed! All I have to say is "Yo Gabba Gabba" and he starts clapping his hands and smiling and looks towards the tv. I am not a huge fan of plopping him in front of the tv but, as most moms know, when you have to get stuff done do whatever works!

We are counting down the days until our SD trip, which will be filled with the nuptials of our great friends {the Kurn wedding}, some family time, some beach time, and a lot of friend time. We can't wait for everyone to see how much Cruz has grown and are really excited to re-introduce him to his future wife, Evy Riechers :).

Here are some pictures of Cruzer at 9 months:

1 comment:

  1. He has a natural mini mohawk!! Too cute :) Love the pics and glad to hear you are doing well!!!
